The Complete “Damania Recanted” – All Four ‘Episodes’ Of The New Webcomic Mini Series By C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, here are all four comics from my recent “Damania Recanted” webcomic mini series. You can also find lots of other comics featuring these characters on this page too.

Unfortunately, due to both a lack of comic-making time and, more crucially, a lack of both inspiration and planning time, this mini series really didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped it would. Even so, I had enough time to use watercolours for the art in the second comic but, even so, this definitely wasn’t one of my best mini series (and, yes, the third comic was the result of writer’s block).

Anyway, here are the comics:

All four of these comics are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence. You can also click on each comic to see a larger version of it too.

“Damania Recanted – Indie” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Recanted – Charity Shop” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Recanted – Topic” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Recanted – Time” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania – A Sketchy Christmas (2019)” – All Four Episodes Of The New Webcomic Mini Series By C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, here is my recent “Damania – A Sketchy Christmas (2019)” webcomic mini series in one easy-to-read post. You can find lots of other comics featuring these characters here and you can also check out the previous three Christmas mini series here, here and here.

And, yes, this mini-series ended up being a bit more minimalist than I’d expected. Basically, since I make these comics quite far in advance, I was preparing it around last Christmas/New Year and didn’t really have the time to plan and make a full mini series. Still, I wanted to make sure there was something posted here before Christmas and, to my surprise, most of these unplanned single-panel comics actually turned out better than I’d expected 🙂

Anyway, stay tuned for a more detailed single-panel comic on Christmas day 🙂

As usual, all four comic updates are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence.

“Damania – A Sketchy Christmas (2019) – Charts” By C. A. Brown

“Damania – A Sketchy Christmas (2019) – Life” By C. A. Brown

“Damania – A Sketchy Christmas (2019) – Butter” By C. A. Brown

“Damania – A Sketchy Christmas (2019) – Eve” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania Revisited II” – All Four ‘Episodes’ Of The New Webcomic Mini Series By C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, here are all four comics from my recent “Damania Revisited II” webcomic mini series in one easy-to-read post. You can also find links to lots of other comics featuring these characters on this page too 🙂

And, yes, due to not really having time to plan a new mini series, this mini series is a series of remakes of old comics from 2012/13 (if you want to see the originals, they can be seen here, here, here and here). It’s also something of a follow-up to last year’s collection of remakes too.

As usual, all four comic updates are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence. Likewise, you can click on each comic to see a larger version of it.

“Damania Revisited II – Absinthe (II)” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Revisited II – Old School (II)” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Revisited II – Strange Noises (II)” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Revisited II – Difficult To Tell (II)” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Slasher” – The New Halloween Comic by C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, I thought that I’d collect all seven pages (including the cover) of my recent Halloween comic into one easy-to-read post.

If you want to see some of the previous Halloween comics, they can be found here: 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. And, if you want to see more of Harvey’s investigations, they can be found here, here, here and here. You can also find links to many other comics featuring the characters from this one here.

As for this comic, due to being busy with lots of things, it ended up being slightly shorter than usual. Even so, it turned out better than I’d originally expected and it also allowed me to use elements from an unused idea (involving all of the characters ending up in the afterlife) that I’d originally had for 2017’s Halloween comic.

Anyway, here’s the comic 🙂 Enjoy 🙂

As usual, all seven pages of this comic are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence. You can also click on each page to see a larger version (although, it might be worth looking for the “view full size” option after you’ve done this)

“Slasher – Cover” By C. A. Brown

“Slasher – Page 1” By C. A. Brown

“Slasher – Page 2” By C. A. Brown

“Slasher – Page 3” By C. A. Brown

“Slasher – Page 4” By C. A. Brown

“Slasher – Page 5” By C. A. Brown

“Slasher – Page 6” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania Doodle II” – All Four ‘Episodes’ Of The New Webcomic Mini Series by C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, I thought that I’d collect all four “episodes” of my latest webcomic mini series together in one easy-to-read post. You can also find links to lots of other mini series on this page too 🙂

And, yes, this mini series is the eagerly-anticipated sequel to last year’s “Damania Doodle” mini series 🙂 And, yes, like back then, I was too busy to plan/make a proper mini series, so these comics are all single-panel monochrome comics.

As usual, all four comic updates are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence.

You can also click on each comic update to see a larger version of it too. Enjoy 🙂

“Damania Doodle II – TL;DR” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Doodle II – Rules To Live By” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Doodle II – Thursday” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Doodle II – Books” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania Reheated” – All Four ‘Episodes’ Of The New Webcomic Mini Series By C. A. Brown

Note: Due to a scheduling accident, this page appeared by mistake for about a month last year. So, apologies to anyone who saw it then and wondered where it went.

Well, in case you missed any of it, I thought that I’d collect all four comic updates from my recent “Damania Reheated” webcomic mini series in one easy-to-read post. You can also find links to lots of other comics featuring these characters on this page too.

For something that was mostly planned at the last minute and made during two days (when the weather was hot), this mini series turned out a lot better than I expected 🙂 Interestingly, two of the comics in this mini series used “old school” watercolour art too (mostly because, for more detailed backgrounds, it’s quicker than adding colour digitally).

And, yes, the fourth comic was originally meant to be a full-length comic, but I ended up changing it before posting since (thanks to making comics so far in advance), it had quite literally become obsolete before it was even posted. Plus, due to a combination of oversights, scheduling problems etc… and this issue, there won’t be a line art post tomorrow. But, if you want to see the line art for the first three comics, then it can be viewed here, here and here.

As usual, all four comic updates here are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence.

You can also click on each comic to see a larger version of it too. Enjoy 🙂

“Damania Reheated – Horror Shelves” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Reheated – Impractical” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Reheated – Holiday” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Reheated – Obsolete” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania Resuscitated” – All Four ‘Episodes’ Of The New Webcomic Mini Series by C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed it, here are all four episodes of my recent “Damania Resuscitated” webcomic mini series. You can also find links to lots of other comics featuring these characters on this page too.

This mini series was a bit of an interesting one, since despite the slight lack of planning time, it turned out better than I expected 🙂 This is also possibly one of the first mini series that I’ve made where all of the colours were added to each comic digitally.

Anyway, here are the comics 🙂 Enjoy 🙂

As usual, all four comic updates are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence. You can also click on each comic update to see a larger version of it too.

“Damania Resuscitated – Charity Shops” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Resuscitated – Repeat” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Resuscitated – Fog” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Resuscitated – Requirement” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania Retracted” – All Four ‘Episodes’ Of The New Webcomic Mini Series By C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, here are all four comics from my “Damania Retracted” webcomic mini series in one easy to read post. You can also find lots of other comics featuring these characters on this page.

And, yes, due to being somewhat busy when I was preparing these comics, this mini series ended up being a bit rushed and I didn’t really have that much planning time. This probably explains why some of the comics are “topical” comics based on stuff that happened last year (eg: Eurovision 2018 and this thing).

Likewise, due to scheduling reasons, the “making of” line art post for this mini series probably won’t appear here until the 25th April (rather than the 24th).

Note: The first comic update in this mini series (“Eurovision 2018”) is NOT released under any kind of Creative Commons licence. However, the other three comics (“Pretty Tedious”, “Internet” and “Shibboleth”) ARE released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence.

“Damania Retracted – Eurovision 2018” By C. A. Brown [Note: this comic update is not released under any kind of Creative Commons licence].

“Damania Retracted – Pretty Tedious” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Retracted – Internet” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Retracted – Shibboleth” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania Requirement” – All Four ‘Episodes’ Of The New Webcomic Mini Series By C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, I thought that I’d do my usual thing of collecting all four updates from my latest webcomic mini series (“Damania Requirement”) together in one easy-to-read post. You can also find loads of other comics featuring these characters on this page too.

Although this mini series was another short four-comic one (for time reasons), I had a lot of fun making it and it also allowed me to experiment more with using photo-based backgrounds (like in the previous mini series) too.

Interestingly, the order that these comics appeared here was significantly different to my original planned order for the series. This was mostly because I had a bit more time on the first evening I spent making these comics, so I wanted the most detailed comic (which involved more traditional art elements etc..) to be first. After this, I then ended up making a few more changes to the order.

So, if anyone is curious, the original planned order for this mini series was: “Game Police“, “Second Winter“, “Graveyard“, then “Own Goal“.

Anyway, here are the comics 🙂 Enjoy 🙂

As usual, all four comic updates are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence. You can also click on each comic update to see a larger version of it.

“Damania Requirement – Own Goal” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Requirement – Graveyard” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Requirement – Game Police” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Requirement – Second Winter” By C. A. Brown

The Complete “Damania Reconstituted” – All Four “Episodes” Of The New Webcomic Mini Series By C. A. Brown

Well, in case you missed any of it, here are all four comics from my “Damania Reconstituted” webcomic mini series in one easy-to-read post 🙂 You can also find lots of other comics featuring these characters on this page too.

Although I’d originally just planned to post a single-panel comic titled “Wot? No comics?” this month because of worries about time (and, yes, ironically, realistic landscape paintings are quicker/easier to make than comics), I was determined that there would be a mini series posted here this month.

However, it ended up being another four-comic mini series – although it turned out better than the previous one 🙂 Seriously, the second comic in this current mini series still makes me laugh.

Plus, in a moment of either genius and/or pure laziness, I also worked out how to add photographic backgrounds to two of the comics in this mini series – which speeded up the comic-making process slightly (and provided some relief from the monotony of plain red and purple backgrounds too LOL!).

Anyway, here are the comics 🙂 Enjoy 🙂

You can click on each comic to see a larger version of it. All four comic updates are also released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence.

“Damania Reconstituted – 2017” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Reconstituted – Woods” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Reconstituted – Replay” By C. A. Brown

“Damania Reconstituted – Seaside” By C. A. Brown